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Cut out the caffeine

Can’t wake up properly without a coffee? Crave a cup of joe as soon as you get into work? We all know coffee isn’t the healthiest way to start your day. There are plenty of healthier, more effective ways to wake up in the morning. Ditch the Costa and follow our tips…


Eating fruit in general is a great way to start the day, but apples trump them all. There’s lots of goodness in an apple. They contain fructose, a natural sugar that wakes you up properly, as well as other carbohydrates that help stabilise your blood sugar levels. These benefits are released slowly in your body, keeping you awake for longer. There’s no caffeine crash with an apple either, so there’s no need to overload on apples every hour like you might with coffee. Pair with Greek yoghurt to feel fuller for longer.


Think about it – humans are made up of around 65% water, so after you’ve been asleep for the average 6 to 8 hours, your body is crying out for hydration. Drink two litres of water throughout the day to stay alert – plus your skin will look amazing, your metabolism will grow and productivity will be sky high.

Taking a cold shower probably isn’t the first thing you want to do after crawling out of your warm, cosy duvet, but it will definitely wake you up. The instant change in temperature can actually relieve stress and make you feel more alert. If chilly temperatures scare you, splashing your face with cold water is easier and has similar effects without being such a shock to the system.  

Have a cuppa

If you just can’t resist a warm pick-me-up in the morning, pick tea over coffee. Although there is still caffeine in tea, there is considerably less and it is better for you. Try green tea to boost your immune system and exercise endurance or black tea to decrease blood pressure – the list is endless. Swap coffee for tea today and you won’t regret it.    


Again, probably the last thing on your mind when you wake up, but even doing some stretches or a few jumping-jacks will help to ward off fatigue and will make you feel energised and alert for the rest of the day. Exercise releases endorphins that make you feel good and ready for action. Whether you go for a half an hour jog or do five minutes of stretches, you should feel better in yourself. So dust off your work-out gear and get exercising!  

There are plenty of habits you can form to feel awake and alert without coffee, you just have to find the ways that work best. So forget your quick-fix cappuccino and adopt a heathier, longer-lasting morning wake-up method.    

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